BACK AGAIN THIS YEAR...The Slalom Competition!
Our straight-line Slalom Competition at our Summer Sizzler at Star Speedway is back! The Slalom Competition will begin at Noon and be located on the front stretch in from of the grandstands.
Slalom Competition Rules
We'll once again have a straight line coned course. Competitors will start at our starting line and must weave through the cones and stop as close as possible to the "finish" cone. Timing will begin once your car moves off the starting line and timing ends once the car has stopped before the stop cone. Cars must weave through the cones without knocking the cones over. Each cone knocked over adds a 2-second timing violation. The fastest through the cones wins $500! Any tie-breakers required will be determined by the closest stopped at the stopping cone without knocking it over.
Signed waiver
Seat belt required
Helmet Required
Must attend competitors pre-competition safety and information meeting
Competitors get one practice run and one timed run
No passengers
Valid driver's license

Who can enter?
Anyone with a vehicle and a valid driver's license. Vehicles must be driven to the competition. All competitors will be required to fill out a speedway waiver.
Do I need to be experienced at Slalom Competitions?
NO! We encourage "first-timers" to give it a shot!
How is the Winner determined?
The fastest through the cones wins $500! Any tie-breakers required will be determined by the closest stopped at the stopping cone without knocking it over.
How do I participate?
Participation is FREE! Just fill out the form below to register and simply attend the show. Competitors must arrive and fill out the waiver by 10 AM, as the competition starts at Noon.
Once you are registered, we will communicate additional logistics with you via email.