The 2025 Race Car Barn at our Granite State Season Opener at Deerfield Fairgrounds
Exhibit Theme: Race Cars!

Our Race Car Barn "Exhibit of Speed" is back again for 2025! Located next to the Sheep Barn, the Race Car Barn features vehicles from all forms of motorsports racing. A very popular exhibit attended by adults and kids, please be aware that these machines often get "fired up," so ear protection is recommended when visiting this exhibit (we'll have free ear protection available in the exhibit)!
Own a race car that you'd like to display? Please read on...
Who can apply?
Anyone with a competition vehicle. You do not have to be a Club Member to enter.
What is the cost?
FREE! If accepted, your participation includes 2 wristbands for free show entry for 2 on the day of the show.
Can I add to my display?
We encourage unique displays. You can make your display as interesting as you like, as long as it fits within your 10'w x 20'L space.
Can I "fire up" my race car in the barn?
Yes! But we require that you notify everyone in the barn before firing and have an assistance standing next to the car to keep spectators back. We will have free ear protection to hand out to spectators. We ask that you remind spectators that ear protection is available for their free use.
How do I apply to have my race car in the barn?
Submit the form below. Applications will be selected over the next several months.
Requirements to Participate
Apply via the form below
Be selected
Exhibit set up occurs on Friday, May 16th, between Noon-4:00 PM. Race cars MUST be in place by 4:00 PM on Friday.