Our 2023 Season has concluded. Thank you to everyone that participated in our events. See you in 2024!

2023 will be a bit different than years past, based on feedback from our membership. We continue to run a total of 8 monthly events from April through November, but 5 of these will be "member events" in addition to 3 large car shows with trophies: our "Granite State Season Opener" at Deerfield Fairgrounds, a new "Mid-Summer Sizzler" at Belknap County Fairgrounds, and our "Granite State Season Closer" at Brookvale Pines Farm in Fremont, NH.
You don't have to be a club member to attend our "member events," with the exception of our "Rally on the Bridge" at Cruising Downtown Manchester, where you must be a member, due to limited space on the bridge.
Event pricing and registration has also changed for 2023. We have lowered our pricing for events to $10 per show car which includes the car & driver, and $5 per spectator. Specialty show components are an exception: entering the Poker Run is $25 and the show is FREE, "Saturday Night at Lee Speedway" is $10 per person due to the movie/screen, and the "Rally on the Bridge" is registration with the Manchester Rotary Club. Kids 12 and under are always FREE!.
We no longer provide on-line pre-registration due to the transaction fees associated with taking on-line payments. We instead have passed this savings from the fees to our members/entrants and all registration will be done at the entrance gate(s).
Saturday April 29, 2023

MEMBER EVENT: Poker Run & Car Rally
Saturday, April 29th, 2023 (Rain Date: April 30th)
Let's Rally!
We'll kick-off our 2023 events season with a Poker Run & Car Rally! Participants will have the option of entering the Poker Run, which is a 2-hour route with 5 checkpoints including Hot Rod City as the final destination. The Poker Run is optional. If not participating in the Poker Run, you can go straight to the Rally at Hot Rod City in Dover, which starts at 9AM and runs until at least 1:00 PM.
The final destination of the Poker Run will be the Rally at Hot Rod City, which will feature food, music, DJ, 50/50 raffles, new 2023 NH Muscle Cars merchandise, giveaways, vendors, and of course, lots of cool cars!
The Poker Run is optional and is $25 per person, with a chance to win $1,000 for the best poker hand. Driver and passenger(s) can play. If you choose not to do the Poker Run, you can go right to the Rally which is FREE!
>> MOVED TO SUNDAY May 21, 2023 <<

CAR SHOW: Granite State Season Opener
Saturday, May 21st, 2023
9AM - 3PM
Let's Kick-off Our Car Show Season!
We'll once again "open" our car show season with our marquee event at Deerfield Fairgrounds! In 2023 we will return to a single day format to maximize a ONE BIG show day.
This show will feature:
- 30 show car trophies
- Crafter's Barn
- Live Music by Southern Breeze
- Vendors
- Indoor Concours Showcase exhibit
- Food vendors
- 50/50 raffle
- SWAG bags for the first 300 cars
Show Schedule:
9:00 AM: Gates open for show cars and spectators
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Outdoor vendor displays open
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Crafter's Barn exhibitors open
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Concours Showcase Exhibit hall open
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM: 7 food & Drink Vendors open in food court
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Live music from Southern Breeze in Food Court
Noon - 1:00 PM: Working Dog Foundation Exhibition behind Sheep Barn
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM: Awards Ceremony for Concours and Show Cars
2:45 PM: 50/50 winner announced
3:00 PM: Show concludes
$10 per show car includes car and driver
$5 per spectator
Kids under 12 free
This is an "all vehicle" show
More than a car show:
Live Band! The popular Southern Breeze Band returns to our event again in 2023 and will be rocking throughout the day in our new food court layout!
Concours Showcase: Think your vehicle has what it takes to be in our Concours Showcase? REGISTRATION FOR THE CONCOURS IS CLOSED.
Crafter's Barn: This year we'll dedicate one Sheep Barn to our Crafter's exhibit where we are expecting over 20 Crafter's!
Event Charity: Working Dog Foundation will be our designated show charity/fundraiser again this year and they will be running their popular K9 demo behind the Sheep Barns at noon!
Outdoor Vendors: 35 outdoor vendor displays
Food Vendors: Seven food & drink vendors, offering fair food, desserts, and specialty drinks.
July 29th, 2023 MOVED TO SUNDAY, JULY 30th

CAR SHOW: Mid-Summer Sizzler
Sunday, July 30th, 2023
9AM - 1PM
Let's Have Some Fun in the Sun!
New show and venue...We are excited to host our new mid-summer
car show at Belknap County Fairgrounds!
This event will feature:
- Car show in the country setting of Belknap County Fairgrounds
- 23 show car trophies
- Live band “on the stage: from band PSE!
- SWAG Bags for the first 200 cars
- Food & Vendors
- Kids "Big Wheel Drag Races"
- An optional “cruise” to the show
- Service Dog Project Charity/Fundraiser - FREE snow cones!
- 50/50 Raffle
- Giveaways
- DJ and music
8AM: Cruise leaves Sam's Club in Concord, NH (get there by 7:30 AM!)
9AM: Gates open for show cars and spectators
9AM-1PM: Live band on the stage
9AM-1PM: Food and vendors open
11AM: Big Wheel Races
1PM: Trophy presentation for Big Wheel Drags winners, show cars trophy winners, and 50/50 winner announced
$10 per show car/driver
$5 per spectator
Kids under 12 free!
This is an "all vehicle" show and is open to the public.
Let's get the kids involved...Big Wheel Drags!
We'll have a "drag strip" style layout at our show with 6 trophies up for grabs for our Top 3 finishers in two age categories. The "drags" will take place from 11-Noon at our Mid-Summer Sizzler in a drag racing elimination style format.
Signups will take place from 9-11:00 at the NH Muscle Cars booth and all kids ages 3-8 are welcome to get in on the action!
9AM: Gates open for show cars and spectators
9AM-1PM: Jonny Friday LIVE in the food pavilion
9AM-1PM: Food and vendors open
1PM: Trophy presentation for Big Wheel Drags winners, show cars trophy winners, and 50/50 winner announced
Let's Cruise!
This cruise should prove to be a great route. It's about 30 minutes long and straight up Route 106 with very few traffic lights!
The cruise leaves Sam's Club in Concord, NH promptly at 8 AM, so we recommend you get there by 7:30 AM!
Charity/Fundraiser: Service Dog Project
The Service Dog Project Inc. is a non-profit, charity organization committed to breeding, training, and donating certified service dogs to people who experience difficulty with their balance or mobility. Our mission is to create a partnership that enhances a recipient’s quality of life as they attain greater independence. Preference is given to military veterans and first responders. In creating the partnership between Great Dane and recipient, SDP is dedicated to the values of respect, integrity, inclusion, compassion, collaboration, equality, and courage. These principles endure within the organization and in its insistence on the value of diversity, in its strive to provide excellence to those in need, and in its dynamic engagement with the community.

August 19th, 2023

Cruise-In: Saturday Night Drive-in at Lee USA Speedway
Saturday, August 19th, 2023 (Rain Date: Aug. 20th)
5PM - 10PM
Burnout Contest, Track Laps, Top 10, and Drive-in Movie!
Our 3rd Annual Norm Wrenn III Memorial is back...With a BIG twist!
This year's event be an evening cruise-in featuring:
- Track laps
- Burnout contest with a $1,000 purse! ($500 1st, $350 2nd, $150 3rd)
- "Top 10" awards for the Top 10 coolest rides
- Drive-in movie with a huge 40' screen (movie selection is TBD)
We'll also have food, a beer garden, 50/50 raffle, club merchandise, giveaways, DJ & music, and more!
Cost to participate is $10 per person, with children under 12 FREE!
5:00 PM: Gates open
6:00 PM: Pace Laps for Norn - Norm Remembrance
6:30 PM: Burnout competition
7:30 PM: Awards - Burnout Competition & "Top 10" awards
8:00-10:00 PM: Drive-in Move: Graffiti Nights
10:00PM: Show Concludes

September 2nd, 2023

MEMBER EVENT: Rally on the Bridge at Cruising Downtown
Saturday, September 2nd, 2023
Let's Rally!
NH Muscle Cars at Cruising Downtown Manchester
We are excited to announce our return to the Cruising Downtown Manchester show supporting our event partner the Manchester Rotary Club on September 2rd, 2023. It was a great success and awesome setup in 2022 and we'll make it even bigger in 2023!
We’d like to thank Brad Fournier from Club Sponsor Ron’s Toy Shop and the Rotary Club of Manchester, for once again arranging our club Rally on the Bridge” at their show. Last year we filled about 3/4 of the bridge and our goal this year it to pack the entire bridge and have even more club presence, support and setup.
We’ll again invade the Bridge St. bridge as a dedicated parking area for our members. This will include early entry into the show and our own exclusive parking.
Members MUST be registered via online registration at by August 31st and designate NH Muscle Cars and your member number on your registration under your name.
NH Muscle Cars member cards will be checked for access to the bridge and there is NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE from NH Muscle Cars to attend and park with us.
For early show access and guaranteed parking "on the bridge" we will meet at the front of the Lofts at Mill West parking lot (195 McGregor St., Manchester, NH) at 5:30 AM, which allows easy access to the bridge at 6:00 AM.
Members are required to have prepaid their registration to the Manchester Rotary Club via the Cruising Downtown website by 8/31.
October 14th, 2023

CAR SHOW: Granite State Season Closer
Saturday, October 14th, 2023 (Rain Date: Oct. 15th)
10AM - 2PM
Let's Closeout 2023!
For the 2nd year, our "Season Closer" will be in the beautiful Fall foliage setting of Brookvale Pines Farms in Fremont, NH.
Known for their "grass drags" event each year, we'll be located in a different area of Brookvale, which features rolling groomed fields, riding rings, and stables.
We'll bring our own form of "horse power" to wake up the farm in the Fall!!!
This show will feature:
- Car show with 30 trophies
- Trunk or Treat - For the kids with awards for best decorated trunk
- Free Cider Donuts & Apple Cider
- Live Acoustic Music - Under the tent with tables/chairs
- Commercial Vendors
- Food Vendors
- Our famous 0/100 Raffle (all money raised goes to 1 lucky winner!): Winner Take all!
- DJ
- Giveaways
- Individual photos on the knoll
- SWAG bags for the first 300 show cars
Show Cars and Driver $10, Passengers and Spectators $5, Kids 12 and under FREE!
We can't wait to see YOU there!
This is an "all vehicle" show

November 18th, 2023

MEMBER EVENT: Food & Toy Drive Fundraiser
Saturday, November 18th, 2023
9AM - Noon
Let's Support Local Families in Need!
Our 5th Year...Come help us "Fill the Trailer" with Toys & Food for Friends of Forgotten Children!
Help us feed over 350 LOCAL families at Thanksgiving and ensure that over 500 LOCAL kids have a GREAT Christmas. As we get closer to the event, FoFC will provide us with a list of food items needed, which we will share. All new unwrapped toys, bikes and donations are welcomed!
Friends of Forgotten Children is a 100% volunteer-run provider of food, clothing and holiday gifts for low income and at-risk individuals and families, has been serving the greater Concord area since 1972.